Saturday, August 20, 2011


Another written last fall....

Today is my friend's birthday and it's made me think about birthdays.

When we were kids we couldn't wait for the next one...waiting to turn 5 so we could go to kindergarten, to turn 13 so we'd be real teen-agers, 16 to get our driver's license, 18 to be an official adult and 21 to legally purchase our first drink.

After that we didn't wish them to come around so fast. Some years we even dreaded them. "Oh, my God! I'm 30!" "I can't be 40 already!" "50, you mean I'm a half a century old?" "Where in the world did the time go? I'm 60!"

The birthday that made me feel OLD was my 35th. I went to school and was greeted by a fellow teacher. She said, "Guess what, now you are as close to 50 as you are to 20!" The next birthday that made me feel old wasn't mine. It was when my older daughter turned 20. How could I have a child who was 20 years old, when I didn't feel much older than that myself?

Some years birthdays have been big celebrations. My daughter and my husband planned a surprise party for my 50th. It was fun and I was surprised. I was amazed at all the planning and organizing they had done without my knowledge. It was a fun night and helped ease the pains of officially entering into the senior citizen realm.

Other years the day passes without much notice, no cake, no candles, no gifts. Just a day to reflect and wonder how another year has passed so quickly.

As I have gotten older, I especially appreciate the well wishes of long time friends. It's nice to know that they remembered me and took time from their day to let me know. Each year I write friends and family members names on the calendar and have great intentions to send cards or call each of them. Some years I do a miserable job and hope my friends know that I did think about them, even if I forgot to send a card.

All birthday's should be special, we all deserve at least one day a year in the spotlight. A day to do exactly what we want to do...sleep late, eat chocolate, walk on the beach, do nothing that even approaches work. A day when friends and family send greetings and let us know they are thinking about us. A day when worries are not allowed to cross our minds.

Happy Birthday! May we celebrate many, many more birthdays together.


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