Thursday, September 07, 2006

OK, It's Time to Update

I know you won't believe me...but I really did start this entry two months ago...

About a million things have happened since I last added an entry. I guess I should give a quick accounting of the time since last February...
February---I spent part of the month in Tampa scoring Florida's 8th grade writing prompts. It was very interesting. I had planned to score longer but I got a call from Friendship Elementary so...
March---I headed to the Atlanta area and began subbing in a special education resource room. I had planned to sub for this teacher's maternity leave but didn't think it would be until after Spring Break...the baby had other plans. Instead of a 5 week stint I was there for about 12 weeks.
April and May---subbing and really enjoying being back in the classroom even for the end of the school year. The teacher I was subbing for decided not to return to Friendship Elementary so I decided I would like to return to the classroom in the fall.
June and July---David and I either had company or were traveling. No big trips this year. We visited family in Evansville and we spent a week in Louisiana. Jennifer, Lee, and Hutch and Clare and Joel were all able to come to the beach (just not all at the same time) for a few days this summer. We continued our Meals on Wheels route, church activities and I was a volunteer turtler again. We didn't have any problems from storms so there were quite a few nests this year.
August---School started, so after 4 days of new teacher training and a week of preplanning, I was ready to meet my class.
On August 19th Margaret Lee "Maggie" Ezell was born! David and I took care of Hutch for the weekend while Jennifer, Lee and Maggie were at the hospital. Jennifer had a very easy and fast delivery. Maggie knew to come on a Saturday, if she'd come during the afternoon rush hour she would have been born in the car! Jennifer was able to have a natural delivery even after having a c-section with Hutch. Hutch is a great big brother. (I promise to get a photo up soon...don't even ask about all the computer problems I have had.)
September---Where in the world did September go? I really don't know how I taught when Jennifer and Clare were at home, I was playing bridge, belonged to several organizations. It's all I can do these days to get ready for my classes and get myself ready. The kids are really super, I do have about twice as many as I expected.
October---Right now in Georgia it feels like December. Today has been very chilly and rainy. We have finished 1/4 of the school year and the students and I are settling into a routine. I still seem to have lots more to do than there are hours in the day to complete, but I am still enjoying working with the kids. Friendship Elementary is a nice school. Clare can check me off her "to do list" and Joel is the tardy blogger. I promise not to let my blog set there idle for so long.