Sunday, December 11, 2005

Christmas Greetings

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I have never been one to write and photocopy a Christmas letter. Although, I do read all the ones that folks send to us. I figured it would be easier to let everyone know about this blog and let people decide if they want to see what we've been up to this year.

David has spent some time fishing and has kept our freezer filled with grouper, red snapper and other gulf fish. He fishes off shore with some of our neighbors (top photo) and met some Hopkinsville buddies in Destin earlier this year for a big fishing trip (bottom photo).

The past few weeks we have spent a lot of time on the road. Clare moved to Chicago and we went up to help her get settled in to her new apartment. On the way home we stopped in Evansville for a visit with family members. We were headed back to Florida when we received a call that Sharon's mother had to be taken to the hospital. So, we went back to Evansville. After a few days in the hospital and a procedure to correct a compression fracture Sharon's mother was released to a rehab center that is a part of a nursing home. The staff at the center helped to persuade her to stay at the nursing home. It is a very nice, friendly, clean facility and we are so relieved that she is no longer going to be living a lone.

Earlier this month we went to Atlanta to celebrate Hutch's 2nd birthday along with David's birthday. They are only 2 days apart and we have started a tradition of celebrating together. You can see a picture of the celebration on Jennifer and Lee's blog.

We are finding plenty to keep us busy in retirement. Sharon continues to substitute teach some. She likes to do the long term assignments for maternity leaves and is scheduled to do two during the second semester. Both of us are busy with church activities. David is the church treasurer and Sharon writes a weekly newsletter and serves as the web master. We deliver Meals on Wheels to senior shut-ins in Eastpoint one or two days a week.

You can read about our year in the articles below. We love to see you and have you visit. Just give us a call when you want to head south!

Happy Holidays!

Sharon and David


Blogger Clare said...

I never thought you guys would be busier when you were retired...but you proved me wrong. Love, Clare

8:56 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Ezell said...

nice blogging...
hutch says, " n nk kjm kiojdjgtgbhjnghnbfghfdnhbdijsh nbdbjdfbjudhnjdtjfrjirfnjrpbgkljgwhjhhjb grooh" which means "I have the best grandmommy and grandaddy in the whole world!"

3:07 PM  
Blogger Clare said...

Thanks for the comment, mom. Joel gave me the extra hug last night. :) Love, Clare

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, guys! Looking at those terrific fish has me green with ENVIE (as they sued to spell it long ago. Glad to see you're into blogging. I have a blog I started last November, but it turned out to be a stressOR rather than a stress reliever so I'm letting it go fallow until I get myself under control.

That's an interesting Chicago...think I might have waited until spring! [8^)}

Take care of yourselves and have a terrific holiday season and start to your New Year.

And in the spirit of the true Christmas traditionalists, I give you a big

Yo Saturnalia! (Rhonda says Merry Christmas!) Jay

9:05 AM  

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